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Any teaching ideas for a general AI course?

Hi everyone, my task is to plan a syllabus and teach some non-AI experts who have chosen a general AI course. These non-AI experts belong to the technical domain and come across the uses of AI in daily lives. 

So, I have to plan a syllabus which gives them basic ideas of general AI functions like neural networks, automated responses, and so on but nothing too complex. The reason for the same is that they are not supposed to develop the AI, just work with it efficiently.

I just want some ideas on what all I can include in the syllabus?

I have asked some of my non-AI specialists about what they would prefer to learn and understand but still I want some insight from the non-AI experts here who have already learned some things about AI. I guess they can better explain to me what helped them the most and what needs to be included in the teaching plan.

I hope many of you will be a part of this discussion and share your valuable opinions and suggestions. Thank you.

All Answers (3 Answers In All)

By Zubain Answered 3 years ago

Hello Bale, actually I am not into teaching neither do I know what students from the technical domain study. However, I did come across his video from Tesla which talks about real and simulated examples both. It explains the chips as well as the AI architecture through the training models. So, please check it once and maybe if you like it, then recommend your students to watch it too.

By Alison Answered 3 years ago

 I am attaching a free ebook link here which you can refer to. It’s a book by Michael Nielsen on the machine learning elements. You can go through it and maybe find some topics that you can add in your course plan. The name of the book is: Neural Networks and Deep Learning.

By Rubbaiyya Answered 3 years ago

Hi, before talking about the topics I would like you to have proper preparations to teach. As you are teaching, I guess you are already aware of the various tools that are important for AI. So, here are some free online resources which can be used for student’s training: Search “AI experiments” on google (or related stuff) Get a “teachable machine”, it will help in visual classifiers training “QuickDraw” tool which is a neural network based system and automatically guesses what you are drawing Lastly, let the students take “online demos” on web applications to get classifiers training   Now, let’s know some topics which can be taught to the technical students in general AI courses. Speech Recognition AI-based text search Classifiers Recommendation engines Video Behaviour Recognition   These are all trending topics and the common ones which even non-technical students come in contact with. I hope this answer is helpful to you.

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