How to develop synopsis for PhD in law?
Please provide me the format for the same. It would be of great help.
asked at 25 Sep, 2019 10:46 in PhD Proposal/Synopsis By Rahul K
asked at 27 Jul, 2018 10:09 in PhD Proposal/Synopsis By Kartik Varma
asked at 24 Jul, 2018 10:00 in Dissertation/Thesis By Rajshree Tamang
asked at 24 Jul, 2018 06:42 in PhD Proposal/Synopsis By Amrita Goyal
Initial proposal
asked at 23 Jul, 2018 04:03 in PhD Proposal/Synopsis By Mayank Singh
Rejected Synopsis
asked at 12 Jul, 2018 08:54 in PhD Proposal/Synopsis By Lisa Hedgewell
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