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Combining dichotomized variables in SPSS

How can two already dichotomized variables be effectively combined into a single variable within SPSS

How can two already dichotomized variables be effectively combined into a single variable within SPSS, and what considerations should be taken into account to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the combined variable?

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By Deepa S Answered 11 months ago

Combining dichotomized variables in SPSS involves creating a new variable that reflects the joint occurrence of the original variables. Researchers can use logical operators or conditional statements to define the new variable based on the logical relationship between the dichotomized variables. For example, if Variable A and Variable B represent dichotomous responses, the new combined variable can be created using the expression "NewVariable = VariableA AND VariableB" to represent instances where both variables are true. It's crucial to consider the conceptual meaning of the combined variable and ensure that it accurately reflects the intended construct or relationship being studied. Additionally, researchers should assess the reliability and validity of the combined variable through statistical analysis and sensitivity testing.

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