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Copyediting vs proofreading

5 years ago in Editing , Proofreading By Mukesh B

I have a huge confusion about copy editing and proofreading. Are they same or is there any difference between them?

All Answers (3 Answers In All)

By Rajiv Bhatia Answered 5 years ago

Copy editing and proofreading are not the same. Copyediting checks for mistakes, inconsistencies, and repetition. Whereas proofreading looks for typographical errors and formatting. While copy editing you should check for errors in grammar, misspellings and syntax. Also, look for continuity errors. While proofreading, you must look for awkward words and page breaks.

By Rohini Singh Answered 5 years ago

Mukesh,copy editing also includes a check for incorrect statements, the accuracy of facts, dates and names, and consistency within your work. Also, it checks technical consistency in fonts, spellings, word usage etc. If you need help contact team from or

By Jessica Answered 5 years ago

Copy editing is ensured content consistency and cohesion in a text. In simple words,it deals with a technical document. It is usually conducted once a copy is drafted. Copy editing is considered as a complex task. On the other hand, proofreading is considered as a less complex process. Proofreading usually looks into the layout formatting, references, and typographical errors within the research document.

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