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Genetic Algorithm for FEA optimization

I am working on motor conception where I am planning to employ a Genetic Algorithm for FEA optimization. But I very much doubt that choosing GA is a wise choice since there is no evidence on this sort of optimization. Kindly suggest on how to go forward. 

All Answers (2 Answers In All)

By Shreesha Answered 4 years ago

A genetic algorithm is considered as one of the best optimization approaches for any kind of application. Based on your research requirement, you can try employing GA for FEA optimization.  One suggestion is to use a limited number of populations initially and check the algorithm behavior and then gradually increase the size and test respectively. This can give an idea on how the computational time will differ for each case.

By Shubham Answered 4 years ago

Usage of optimization algorithms depends on the type of application you are intended to work on. If the work is dealing with discrete time, usually GA will be suited and if its into continuous time system, i would suggest to use Particle swarm optimization (PSO)

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