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How to bring novelty in object detection (say, the object is weapon)

I have been researching on weapon detection. Earlier trends of object detection in this area was... researchers used descriptors, hog, etc. Then the trend shifted to using deep neural network, using SSD, YOLO, RCNN, etc. And every possible has been implem

Researchers in weapon detection  used feature descriptors, edge detectors, etc to enhance weapon detection. Then the trend shifted to using deep neural network, using SSD, YOLO, RCNN, etc. providing even faster and enhanced results in detecting object (weapons). I feel like almost every idea possible has been implemented already and don't see much scope in novelty. Or maybe my imagination has become limited. I cannot think of anything new to enhance or bring novelty in my topic, nor can i change my topic now since I've invested so much time here. Can anyone please suggest a novel idea or technique who have already worked on object detection, please? Thanks!

All Answers (2 Answers In All)

By Roma Answered 3 years ago

Hi, I understand that findinging novelty in research projects which specifically belong to technical domains become difficult and I don’t know if I can help you much but I would like you to suggest the older methodologies thoroughly. See if you can make any environmental changes like the recognition aspects used in the previous research work can be replaced or maybe you can add some variables which might lead to different problems to be solved. It is also possible that the focus statement of the previous literature studies help you in identifying the literature gap considering whether they have used simple binary or regressive decisions to get the results. It’s better to check some review papers or meta analysis conducted on your research topic for getting the answers faster.  I hope it works out for you, but if it doesn’t I would suggest you move to another topic because it’s okay to switch in situations like these, then sticking to it and taking the same decision later. Good luck.  

By Trisha Answered 3 years ago

Hello dear, I have worked on this topic but it was years ago and I don't think it will help you with your project. In this case, you should either talk to your guide/supervisor or consult the expert service providers. They can help you much  better as they study and go through research papers on a consistent basis. I attended a webinar conducted by the experts of Five Vidya recently and the expert seemed well-informed about the research conduct and topics. So, in case you need consultancy you can contact them too (I don’t know about the charges, you can ask them after discussing your requirements, I guess).  

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