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How to improve the accuracy of my PhD in machine learning models?

Transfer learning to improve the accuracy of PhD in machine learning models

I am working on a PhD in machine learning, and I am interested in using transfer learning to improve the accuracy of my models. Can you recommend any resources that I can use to learn more about transfer learning?


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By Varsha Answered 1 year ago

Transfer learning is a powerful technique in machine learning, and there are several resources available to help you learn more about it. Some recommended resources include the book "Deep Learning" by Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio, and Aaron Courville, which covers the fundamentals of transfer learning in Chapter 11. You can also explore online courses such as "Deep Learning Specialization" on Coursera, which includes dedicated modules on transfer learning. Additionally, websites like Medium and Towards Data Science often feature articles and tutorials on transfer learning, providing practical insights and implementation details. Finally, you may find research papers and conference proceedings, such as those from the Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) and the International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), that delve into the latest advancements and techniques in transfer learning.

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