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Identifying specific bands in Western blot with c-Myc antibody

what factors could contribute to the presence of multiple bands in protein detection assays

Is it common to observe two specific bands in Western blot analysis when using a c-Myc antibody, and what factors could contribute to the presence of multiple bands in protein detection assays

All Answers (1 Answers In All)

By Dipanjan Chattopadhyay Answered 10 months ago

It is not uncommon to observe multiple bands in Western blot analysis when using a c-Myc antibody to detect proteins tagged with the c-Myc epitope. This phenomenon may arise due to various factors, including post-translational modifications, alternative splicing, or proteolytic processing of the target protein. Additionally, nonspecific binding of the antibody to structurally similar proteins or degradation products could result in the appearance of additional bands on the blot. Researchers should carefully validate the specificity of their c-Myc antibody using positive and negative controls, such as cell lysates expressing c-Myc-tagged proteins and lysates lacking the c-Myc epitope, to ensure accurate interpretation of Western blot results

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