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Is it possible for a PhD student (pursuing or completed doctorate) to work in focus groups?
3 years ago in Authorship , Conceptualization , Journal Impact Factor By Jiten
Hi everyone, it’s more like a suggestion that I need from you as I am in my senior year of PhD and I have submitted my research thesis. Based on that, one of my professors asked me to join a focus group and the research will take about a year to get completed.
I do not have much experience or knowledge regarding what I should expect from this collaboration. Am I supposed to get the co-author title? Any constructive remarks, experienced suggestions, and help will be appreciated.
All Answers (5 Answers In All)
By Gayatri Answered 3 years ago
Being a co-author depends on the work you do while you are a part of the focus work. If it is less, then you can let go of the co-author title. However, if you are working a lot and more than other group members, then you can even demand to be addressed as the author. I believe that it will not be the case, so I suggest you clear it with your professor beforehand. It is good for the learning purpose if the focus group has experienced researchers in your discipline. Practical experience stays with you longer than the theoretical ones. Lastly, it is your call to make. This kind of experience helps the researchers but can also develop trust issues.
By Samuel Answered 3 years ago
Of course you can demand to be a co-author but for that you have to do some work worthy of that title. If you are taking part in data collection, analysis, experiments or lab work, then you definitely deserve the title. However, it depends on the main author completely, so make sure you are getting appreciated for your dues. If they don’t agree to give you the title, then I would rather suggest that you invest your time and efforts in your research.
By Vishnu Answered 3 years ago
Hello dear, I don’t think that your current status of being a student matters. If you are helping in a research work, then you do deserve the co-author title. However, if it is like a barter system, like you got the other researcher’s help in your research and didn’t mention their name, and now that researcher wants the same, then you may consider not having your name.
By Cole Answered 3 years ago
Hi Jiten, did your professor tell you what will be your role in that research? If you are just involved to give reviews, suggestions or ideas, then you may not get the title of co-author. For that, you must do some crucial work like field research, data analysis, or so on. It is better to confirm these points before joining the focus groups because leaving the research midway after conflicts of interest may put you in bad remarks of all the other members.
By Arian Answered 3 years ago
Hi Jiten, I don’t know how it happens in your country but in some cultures or countries, the main author ends up adding the name of other researchers as contributors or co-authors when they have worked with them. This is mainly due to the purposes like gaining more score or popularity. Sometimes, the focus group members also decide to let the most popular researcher among them take the title of main author and others get their names enlisted as co-authors to improve the chance of getting the research published. However, if this is not the case and you have contributed to crucial processes, then you can ask them if they will add your name as co-author. I really think that they should.
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