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Is there a rule that the theoretical and conceptual framework only comes within the literature review chapter?

Hello experts, actually I was confused whether I can put the theoretical and conceptual framework in my research methodology chapter. I have seen and heard tha most of the students put it in the literature review chapter of the research developed by them.


So, can anyone provide me with a reason why it is so or if I can put it in the research methodology or not?


Thank you in advance.

All Answers (3 Answers In All)

By Karkuvel Answered 3 years ago

Hello Sujit, I believe that this depends on the length and nature of your research. You can definitely add the conceptual framework in your methodology chapter under the related heading. But I will suggest you add it in the methodology chapter when it is not lengthy. Like if it is 2-4 pages long, then you can add it in the research methodology chapter but if it is long enough to be a separate chapter on it’s own, then I would suggest you add an independent chapter by the name “Conceptual Framework of the Research”.

Replied 3 years ago

By Sujith

Thank you so much your response, Mr. Karkuvel. My framework is not going to be long.

By Neetish Answered 3 years ago

Hi, thank you for addressing this question. I have also come across many students and scholars who get confused with such. Usually, yes, the theoretical and conceptual framework either comes in chapter 1; i.e., the introduction chapter or chapter 2; i.e., the literature review chapter, and it is the research framework that comes in the research methodology chapter. However, this may differ from university to university as well. Therefore, I will suggest you go through the guidelines provided to you. In case, nothing of this sort has been mentioned in the guidelines, then you can consider talking to your guide or get a consultation from . They can also help you out by looking into the expected format.

Replied 3 years ago

By Sujith

Thank you for sharing the link Mr. Neetish, I will make sure to look into it as I haven’t been provided such guidelines.

By Raunaq Answered 3 years ago

Dear Sujit, first of all you must understand that theoretical framework and conceptual framework are two different things and have different purposes.   A theoretical framework is added to support the research study and provide the idea about it which is why it needs to be added in the beginning of the research. It can be placed either in the start of the research or a section in the literature review under a separate sub-heading.   On the other hand, the conceptual framework is developed while keeping the findings from the review as the basis. It can also be used to provide a visual map that guides through the collected information and data. So, it can either be placed in the last section of the literature review or the starting section of the research methodology.   To understand the difference between the two in detail, you can check this article:   I hope it helps in a better understanding.

Replied 3 years ago

By Sujith

Dear Raunaq, thank you so much for explaining the points in detail and sharing the article. I guess it will be helpful for other viewers of this discussion as well.

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