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Key to an appealing LR
7 years ago in Research Writing , SPSS , Research Topic Ideas By Jessica
Hey guys! I am PhD candidate from an architectural background. I intend to research on Innovative Architectural Designs to Combat Disasters. I am done with my Literature review. I am working on my preliminary draft at the moment. I need some suggestions on how to write down an effective LR. I am good at analyzing, just poor at articulating my observations. So, any kind of suggestion would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!
All Answers (4 Answers In All)
By Krishan Pancholi Answered 7 years ago
You can begin writing literature review by first discussing your subject area, then the area of concern, move on to your research topic and then ultimately identifying the main issue. By this way, it would be easier for you to fit your topic and issue in apt context. When you are finished with the description or background of your research topic and issue, you can easily support it with the suitable arguments, theories or data as evidence. And trust me, if you do it by this way, your LR would look simple, organized and focused.
By Yashti Iyer Answered 7 years ago
Hi. I think you should segment the process of writing in chunks. Like, first define your research topic, put its relevance amidst other research works and then write your research question while analyzing the literature. I find it convenient to write, summarize, analyse, quote or cite simultaneously. Because then where you find your language or argument sounds weaker, you can quickly cite other arguments and then compare or contrast. It actually adds weight to your writing. See this The sample provided is written more or less the same as I said.
By Anubhav Kumar Answered 7 years ago
Hi. I can relate to your condition. The same thing happened to me when I was writing my Masters dissertation. Because I first chose to write literature review part only, I had been stuck at writing for almost 4 months. It was because I’m an ESL student and could not write fluently in English and especially when I had to write analysis sort of thing. I tried doing it by drawing a synthesis matrix (which greatly helped me) and picked out the essential concept and theories out of the lengthy journal articles. And for doing it, I review and analysed the papers, reports, and articles many times and kept making notes in the matrix. With these rough notes, I finally wrote one draft of 10 pages which then was revised by my advisor. He advised me on the conceptual issues while for the accuracy of language, writing style and citations, I hired a proofreader. This is how I worked out the problem. You decide if you can also do it my way and I’m sure it would help you. Anyways, good luck!
By Lisa Hedgewell Answered 7 years ago
I assume by “articulation” you mean synthesizing the information in a coherent manner which many candidates find a daunting task. You may seek assistance in writing literature review from the professionals who can consult you on how to keep going good with the writing process. Check and find one tutor who can guide you not only for literature review writing but can help you out with research writing.
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