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Phd research in the cloud computing field

I am planning to do my Phd research in the cloud computing field. I have chosen cloud predictive analytics as my research area. My intention is to improve the performance of the cloud data system. I need help in this study.

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By Keshav Verma Answered 4 years ago

We can improve the performance of the cloud data systems by incorporating the edge computing models with the cloud networks. A cloud-native edge: an edge that can support cloud technologies and allow the same software and infrastructure that enables the cloud to scale infinitely to be extended to orchestrating and scaling compute at the edge. That does not, however, mean that all the capabilities in the cloud are suited for the edge; in particular, capabilities that build off the massive and infinite scalability of cloud compute and storage will remain in the cloud. These include things like machine learning, training AI models, big data analytics, etc. It can be implemented in any software tools like Java and python

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