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Proofreading a thesis

I have completed thesis writing process. I have never proofread my thesis. But my friend asked me to do so. What is the need for proofreading a thesis?

All Answers (2 Answers In All)

By Balram Meena Answered 6 years ago

Proofreading your thesis is as important as any other aspect involved in the writing process. Some of the benefits of performing a thorough proofreading are: 1. It will give you the chance to fix any errors. Grammar mistakes can also be caught and fixed. 2. Misplaced punctuation can change the entire meaning of a sentence, hence it is important to ensure that these little marks have been expertly employed. 3. Address every error, no matter how big or small

By Amrit Singh Answered 6 years ago

Proofreading is the final stage of thesis writing process. First impression counts; Hence checking for inconsistency and layout is very important. The words/ sentences you use to convey your ideas should be error-free. Hence it becomes mandatory to proofread your thesis. Proofreading allows you to ensure that everything you wanted to convey is included in your thesis. It draws your attention towards inconsistency and help you fix sentences that are unstructured. Enables you eliminate unwanted content from your chapters. Lets you spot grammatical errors, punctuation errors and help you fix them. Tip: While proofreading, make sure you check for typos, choice of words, spelling and grammatical errors and ambiguous sentences.

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