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R language for data analysis

I want to conduct research in big data analysis. My guide suggested me to use R language for data analysis and data visualisation process. But I have never used R language. Can someone please tell me some basic syntax in R language?

All Answers (3 Answers In All)

By Parul Singh Answered 5 years ago

R language is widely by researchers who are conducting research in big data. R language is helpful when there is huge amount of data that needs to be analysed. That is the main reason why your guide suggested you to use R language. Now speaking for basic syntaxes, there are many tutorials which help educate you about the syntaxes/ codes used in R language. But for your convenience I will include some of them below. # Create a vector of numbers numbers = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) print(numbers) # Create a vector of letters ltrs = c(‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, ‘d’, ‘e’) # Concatenate both mixed_vec = c(numbers, ltrs) print(mixed_vec)

By Krishan Pancholi Answered 5 years ago

Some of the syntaxes used in R language for the purpose of big data analysis. Here I will mention some more, which may be of some help to you. 1. Use, memory.size() to change R’s allocation limit. 2. sample() randomly reorders the elements passed as the first argument. 3. read.table can read a variety of basic data formats into tables or “data frames”. Visit to learn about all the basic syntaxes used in R language.

By Mehak Chaudhary Answered 5 years ago

Thank you all for the answers. It was informative.

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