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References for an Emperical Research

Hey! I am a Ph.D. scholar and conducting research on tribal people and their problems. I want to conduct research on the Lisus of Arunachal Pradesh who are extremely backward and travel 5 days to reach the roads. I want to show their problems, struggles, and their backwardness through my research. I am not able to find enough references for this research. Can someone help me in making my research more comprehensive and detailed?

All Answers (1 Answers In All)

By Krupa Answered 4 years ago

I believe that studies on Lisu tribes are scant and not enough people study on any one particular tribe. Lisus also lives in Thailand and other parts of Asia. You can refer to some of the google books, or a few studies that mention their lifestyle, rituals, and food habits in the context of Lisu who lives in other parts of Asia and not Arunachal Pradesh in particular. Since the studies are not available you can add a comparison wherein you can differentiate their habits and culture with other backward tribes of Arunachal Pradesh and how Lisus was different from them.

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