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Selecting between paired t-test or unpaired, parametric or nonparametric tests

What factors should researchers considerand choosing between parametric and nonparametric approaches

What factors should researchers considerand choosing between parametric and nonparametric approaches, what factors should researchers consider, and how can they determine the most appropriate statistical test for their research study?

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By Shashank Answered 11 months ago

The selection of statistical tests, whether paired or unpaired, parametric or nonparametric, depends on the nature of the data and the specific research question. Paired tests are suitable for analyzing related measurements or repeated measures within the same participants, while unpaired tests compare independent groups or samples. Parametric tests assume certain distributional properties of the data, such as normality and homogeneity of variances, and are sensitive to violations of these assumptions. Nonparametric tests, on the other hand, are distribution-free and more robust to violations of distributional assumptions. Researchers should assess the characteristics of their data, consider the assumptions of each statistical test, and choose the most appropriate approach based on the study design, research objectives, and nature of the variables being analyzed. Consulting with a statistician or data analyst can provide valuable guidance in selecting the optimal statistical test for a given research study.

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