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Support Vector Machine

My professor has asked me to build a Support Vector Machine using MATLAB. Although I know how to use MATLAB, I am not very much sure as to how to build a support vector machine. I need some help from you guys. Please help me! Thank you in advance!

All Answers (1 Answers In All)

By Kamlesh Meena Answered 5 years ago

Hello 1. Load the sample data. 2. Create data, a two-column matrix containing sepal length and sepal width measurements. 3. From the species vector, create a new column vector, groups, to classify data into two groups: Data and non-data. 4. Randomly select training and test sets. 5. Train an SVM classifier using a linear kernel function and plot the grouped data. 6. Add a title to the plot, using the Kernel Function field from the svmStruct structure as the title. 7. Use the svmclassify function to classify the test set. 8. Evaluate the performance of the classifier. 9. Use a one-norm, hard margin support vector machine(SVM) classifier by changing the box constraint property. 10. Evaluate the performance of the classifier.

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