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Tips to design a questionnaire

I want to prepare a questionnaire for my research in sociology. What needs to be considered while designing the same? Quick response will be appreciated.

All Answers (4 Answers In All)

By Rekha Bajaj Answered 5 years ago

Ravneet follow the below mentioned steps while preparing a questionnaire 1. Decide what information is required for your study. 2. Define your target respondents. 3. Choose the method(individual interviews, group interviews etc ) for collecting the data. 4. Decide on questions. Do not include unnecessary questions. 5. Put questions in a logical order (questions pertaining to your study at first and personal questions at the last) and format. 6. Pre-test the questionnaire among your peers. 7. If required, make necessary changes and develop the final survey form.

By Sonam Choephel Answered 5 years ago

Ravneet, while including the questions, first ask yourself 1.Whether the questions have the potential to achieve the desired results 2.If the questions have been included in the best order 3.Can the questions be understood by all classes of respondent 4.Whether any additional questions are needed or any questions need be eliminated 5.If you have included the right instructions and whether they are adequate.

By Rajiv Bhatia Answered 5 years ago

A well-designed questionnaire must meet your research objectives. Many research surveys omit critical aspects mostly due to inadequate preparatory work or due to poor understanding of the subject. It should also obtain the complete and accurate information as much as possible. Hence you need to ensure that respondents understand the questions completely and do not refuse to answer. A good questionnaire provides accurate, unbiased and complete information. Keep the interview brief and to the point. Include questions that interests respondents. Also make sure you do not include any question that can offend the respondents.

By Ravneet Singh Answered 5 years ago

Thank you all for the answers. It was very informative and useful.

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