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Tips to write literature review chapter in psychology

I’m stuck with literature review chapter. Is it mandatory to write this chapter? If yes, how do I to write this chapter in psychology research paper? Any guidance?

All Answers (4 Answers In All)

By Fern G Answered 5 years ago

Yes, it is mandatory to include this chapter in your research paper. Before writing this chapter, know the purpose of this chapter. It not just describes your study but also compares studies in your area of research It identifies gaps between two studies and also evaluates your study Helps you justify your study Enables you to avoid duplicacy by identifying the area of prior scholarship

By Dani khan Answered 5 years ago

A literature review chapter should include, introduction, body and conclusion section. An introduction chapter should establish the importance of the study and must focus on the topic, identify issues within that field and should conclude with a research purpose. Next, the body should summarize and evaluate the current knowledge in the field of your study. The last section i.e the conclusion section must summarize the evidences that supports your study and must state the significance of the study.

By Yashti Iyer Answered 5 years ago

Dani has already mentioned what needs to be included in this chapter. Here I will mention the general steps that needs to be considered while writing this chapter. Find and finalize the topic – Select a topic that interests you and is researchable Identify and analyse the literature sources – Use databases to search for relevant sources and critically evaluate them by identifying key issues and gaps between the studies. Develop a consistent content – Include your view point in a clear and consistent manner. See to that you include overview if your review is too long. Make use of headings, subheadings and use transition; this will help the reader trace your argument.

By Dipanjan Chattopadhyay Answered 5 years ago

Be very careful while writing this chapter. Avoid these mistakes while writing the chapter. Some of them are: Listing literature without analysing and evaluating sources Including individual piece of literature separately Not linking the literature to your research topic and research questions You can also take assistance from the expert writers at,

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