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Elements of successful dissertation

What are the major qualities of a successful dissertation. Can someone help me out in that giving some tips.

All Answers (4 Answers In All)

By Pranav Answered 4 years ago

Hello there, in order to have a successful thesis, you have to follow these tips that might help you in: You should present the following parts efficiently and clear cut like, “what are you planning to do” “how you are planning to do”. Your topic and the proposed methods should provide a high level of importance that make other researchers depends on your work for current and future researchers (well, this is high note.) Make sure that all the references you use in the thesis, have been published in high impact journals, scripts, conferences, etc. Both the theoretical and experimental parts should be explained, discussed, justified and make sure they are written in a professional way.

By Nirav Answered 5 years ago

Hello  Those were some brilliant points to admit. And follow through that, I would love to share some information I know. A good dissertation needs to have an alignment between the research question and methods. The research question should bring up the emerging or challenging topics once your method must be able to effectively answer the research question and also it needs to be used with an accurate methodologies. Still the research efforts help to give robustness to your work. That’s the basics.

By Sourabh Answered 5 years ago

Hello  Those were some brilliant points to admit. And follow through that, I would love to share some information I know. A good dissertation needs to have an alignment between the research question and methods. The research question should bring up the emerging or challenging topics once your method must be able to effectively answer the research question and also it needs to be used with an accurate methodologies. Still the research efforts help to give robustness to your work. That’s the basics.

By Pavitra Answered 4 years ago

Most important components include having a clear research question, background data from high quality sources, a clear method and verified results. Sometimes narrowing the inquiry having a specific topic and research questions is also a most difficult task.

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