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Tips to eliminate plagiarised content

My thesis consists of plagiarised content in abstract and methodology chapter. I have heard that plagiarism is an offense and thesis with such content will not be accepted. How can I remove those contents? Is there a possible way?

All Answers (3 Answers In All)

By Jessica Answered 5 years ago

Do not worry Fern. You can remove plagiarised content from your thesis. Although it is a time-consuming task, you can still do it and have a plagiarism-free thesis. 1. Paraphrase the content: go through the sections where there is such content and paraphrase it. If necessary use paraphrasing tool. 2. Rewrite the content: another option is to rewrite the entire section in your own words, but ensure you retain the technical terms. 3. Include citations : use suitable citing style and cite the sources.

By Reema Answered 5 years ago

Fern, if you don’t know how to remove plagiarised content, you can use online plagiarism checker and elimination tool. They will detect the plagiarised content and remove it at single click.

By Neethi Answered 5 years ago

Reema, it is wise to use online checker to detect the plagiarised content. However, it is not a smart decision to solely rely on the online tools. Fern, either do it manually or take help from the proofreaders. I know a few of them, get in touch with them. For more details about them, visit,

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