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What approach does it correspond to when we put the codes under the existing themes related to those codes and our research interest?


In my current research, I have created codes according to the feedback received from the participants and sub categorized them. Although I haven’t fully categorized and selected themes, instead of that I’m considering putting the codes (as per the questions) under the related themes.


These themes are based on the areas we want to investigate and the purpose of the research.


I think that this corresponds to the deductive approach, but I am not too sure. Please if anyone can tell, it will be really helpful.


Thank you.

All Answers (5 Answers In All)

By Rohan Maggoo Answered 3 years ago

 I answered a similar question although I don’t know how relevant it will be.  Basically, both induction and dedication are displayed by the grounded theory in a cyclical pattern. Induction is a part of the process during which data is collected and then, the process of grouping and patterning begins through comparative analysis. After this, when the patterns are required to be interpreted and explained, it is known as deduction.   In order to refine the emerging theory and to continue the process of induction and deduction for substantiating the explanation, theoretical sampling and detailed literature review are also conducted.   I hope it has helped you somewhat. You can also go through this link once.   Good luck!

Replied 3 years ago

By Allie

Hi, Rohan. Thank you so much for your comment. I guess I did exactly what you said, however, I would still like to confirm it just in case. So, I briefed the process I adopted in the answer above. Please check and let me know if this is what you meant.

By Mathew Answered 3 years ago

Hi, I hope the following website and the information can help you with your question.

By Megan Morris Answered 3 years ago

You can use pure qualitative analysis as well to choose and evaluate the right themes for the data. Moreover, a lot of people are using thematic alignment recently. It requires the theme to be aligned with the RQs.  To be honest, there is no right or wrong way here and you can absolutely use the thematic alignment. Just make sure that the data has not been interfered with.   Hope it helps.

By Arya Sarvapalli Answered 3 years ago

Coding data is considered as the first analytical phase in GT. This coding helps in identifying the categories which deem fit for the data collected. For coding, there are three phases namely; open, axial and selective.    Open coding consists of the process where researchers analyse and interpret the data one by one, focusing on the small details and interpreting the results in a way that helps in developing the theoretical sensitivity for new ideas. It does not categorize the data in the already existing segments. Once the complete array of categories have been identified, the researcher moves on the axial coding. In this, the data undergoes another analysis.The data is again put back together in different ways in accordance with the connection drawn between numerous categories. Lastly, the researcher moves on to selective coding, where the closest categories to the core category are identified systematically. Core category is like the base of the emerging theory and thus, remains central to integration and interpretation.   For more you can go through these two links, I hope they help.

By Shahira Sheikh Answered 3 years ago

Hi, before answering this question, can you please clear the kinds of initial research questions that you asked? Because, usually GT begins with a minimal set of substantive questions. These questions are supposed to develop a theory while working on the data rather than answering the questions which already exist.

Replied 3 years ago

By Allie

Hi Shahira, thanks for commenting. In the question above, I meant feedback questions through which we took the answers of the participants. There were 8 questions prepared. On the basis of feedback on those questions, we prepared codes. Then the codes were subcategorized. We did not go to the themes directly but instead tried to point out specific points like behavior changes and stress response both before the intervention and after it. Then the codes were put under such names as per how relevant it is. If I got it right, Rohan, then I can tell that we began with coding techniques and ended the work with deductive research. So, what do you think now? Thanks again.

Replied 3 years ago

By Shahira Sheikh

Oh well, in GT, you need to conduct the data analysis and data collection at the same time. In your research connection, you need to modify the interviewees and the interview questions side by side while collecting their feedback. However, you have collected the data before it’s analysed properly. In this case, your approach becomes much closer to thematic analysis.

Replied 3 years ago

By Allie

Oh I see. Thank you for your answer, Shahira. I will read more about the Thematic analysis now. Thank you so much for your answers.

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