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What university requires us to state which research paradigm/ methodological perspective drives most for our study?
5 years ago in Starting up PhD By Babita
Hi everyone, I’m about to start considering the concepts of what university requires us to state which research paradigm/ methodological perspective drives most for our study? As I’ve taken the SAGE dictionary of qualitative inquiry for my base to understand the connection of theories.
My question is – How do I decide which research paradigm suits best for my research? And what would be the methodological implications under paradigm choice?
All Answers (2 Answers In All)
By Jennifer Answered 5 years ago
Hi, Firstly, great move-in doing particularly on this ideology. I would suggest a simple way, 1. Narrow down your thought process, as you can determine the specific things you want to know and write the questions. 2. Use your own creativity to design the questions that are relevant to your study. 3. Once you pen down questions, make sure they should point you towards ontology & epistemology that best fits. In short to acknowledge you, be best to answer questions of quantitative (terms like numbers & stats) or qualitative (what you want to find out exactly). 4. Later, check with other references to complete the questionnaires. 5. Aim for originality in your work, which gives you recognition. So, nurture them and then lead to work on.
By Meera Answered 5 years ago
Hi, Geetha Garage Firstly, I get that your study is exploratory in nature. Surely, you must go through some previous observation regarding the situation that might give you some response to your approach. The idea of research paradigm is little bit fluid and different type of writers come up with different sets of classifications. There are some guidelines that can be suggested for the study like positivism, realism, reflectivism, but they vary on their nature. However, there are two impacts of your choice that I’m about to say: 1. Methods are being consistent or not? Think – Am I structuring, designing & carrying out my whole research in a way that is consistent with what I’ve claimed and what it is that I want to find out exactly. 2. Second, Am I giving away some realistic information that really can be understood in the language that I use? So, I hope some of the points will be useful for your work. And I expect you to see and understand fairly. The fun concept here is, when you scratch from the surface, you’ll find that many academicians will be in a state of confusion than while attempting to prepare an idea. Good luck with the research.
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