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Developing the objectives

So I am working on a research concerned with the generating awareness among people towards spiritual lifestyle that may include focusing ion yoga and meditation. There are a lot of studies in this area though, and to stand out, I need to come up with some realistic and unique objectives. I am at the proposal development stage only and confused how to go about this. So my doubt is really just how to develop the objectives? Where do I start from? What all do I need for this? Any suggestions would be really welcomed.

All Answers (3 Answers In All)

By Anubhav Kumar Answered 6 years ago

You need to do an extensive literature review. Find out relevant 40-50 articles, read them and then prepare a table where you pint out their objectives, methods, findings and limitations. This will help you understand the progress done so far in your area. From there you will have sufficient material and understanding about the subject so as to come up with objectives. What’s even better is that you can use this table in writing a review paper which can be later published.

By Aditi Sharma Answered 6 years ago

Hey, I am doing my research on yoga practices among working professionals and how that helps their lifestyle and health. This is sort of related to your area. After doing review, I have found that most of the studies are not looking into the impact of yoga, meditation and other practices on the thinking of individuals towards any social issue. Maybe you can work on these lines? Use the words ‘to analyze/identify/examine/study….’

By Sonali Jain Answered 6 years ago

Find the issue that you are going to research. The objectives are solely reliant on the problem at hand. So ask yourself, what are the issues that require attention? Can those issues be addressed within the time that you have? What best possible methods can be adopted to address those issues? When you have some clarity on these questions, then you can finalize the objectives.

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