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How to write an effective research proposal for PhD?

I’ve gone through a lot of sources on how to write an effective research proposal for PhD. But, I still want to refine the results. Kindly help me with the proper writing methodology and steps necessary to be included in the research proposal.

All Answers (3 Answers In All)

By Sourabh Answered 5 years ago

Hi, I reckon it’s a surge question but cracks up mind, a whole lot of time. I’m a professor by occupation, and for my students, I try to set the context of the purpose of the research proposal. It is a piece of summary that designed to present what is the overall thesis. It doesn’t contain the details of thesis chapters and is different from an ethics submission which even more summarised version of the proposal. A proposal tends to include: 1. Introduction to topic 2. Background literature 3. Aims & objectives – research questions/statements 4. methodology/framework 5. Methods or design ( data collection, data analysis, and ethics) 6. Summary 7. Personal interest (negotiable) 8. Supplementary information i.e, references, appendices, resources. Length is varied depending on a few factors i.e, research approach. Typically around 3,000 – 5,000 words are appropriate. You have to write according to mixed and target audiences – those with expert knowledge.

By Akash Answered 4 years ago

Hello, Firstly, I reckon that’s a structure on above I have to tell. But with laying structure of your proposal, I think you should take into consideration a few more aspects: 1. What do you plan to do? 2. Why do you do it? 3. Why should anyone care? 4. How do you plan to do it? In doing so, not only you introduce the reader to the topic, but you also kind of illustrating your ability to deal with the topic. The aim is to convince the reader, the importance of your research and why it matters. Note that, nothing worse than a PhD student who fails to deliver. So, you have to write it like a pro, that they are on the safe side in choosing you.

By Nirav Answered 4 years ago

Hi, Thanks for the above suggestions and proper guidance. I’ve also been looking for the same answer to start up a research proposal for a PhD. thank you once again!

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