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How engineers will benefit from visual thinking?

Visual thinking helps engineers to reason the technical problems as well as ideate the design solutions. Schemes and sketches fully applies by engineers for their work that now visual thinking is linked to creativity. Is visual thinking taken into account in engineering education. What do you think? What is your experience as educators/students?

All Answers (2 Answers In All)

By Akash Answered 5 years ago

Hi  I would like to appreciate for question you posed first. I’m a professor and I’ve taught problem solving and always I tell the students that expressing a problem visually on paper is often a very favored step to take. Now, some research showed that for groups who were given the same query or problem, the ones who told to picture it first came to an answer much quicker than those who weren’t. (can’t give the specific reference now) One of the problems/difficulties is that no students want to write or draw. This physical act of carrying this out helps memory. I find students get standard engineering symbols wrong because they just copy without understanding. But when it is visual manner, they can see how to construct it and it considered that they are less likely to make mistakes. I would say, educators still have not taken pace to implement everywhere.

By Pavitra Answered 5 years ago

Hello Noticing the challenges about the topic Dr. PSM we have deliberately returned some basic instructions on sketching and visualization in engineering courses. We include some lessons on sketching techniques and the role of drawings and models to communicate design, as we integrate a CAD program throughout the course-level. We also provide them with drawings and require them to create 3D parts in CAD. we introduce some fundamentals in course for few reasons: To emphasize the importance of spatial awareness and visualization. Emphasize the value of sketches to the design process & effective communicative ideas. Provide a foundation of skills that we can build on throughout the curriculum. Students seem to genuinely enjoy the creativity in activities they do. Hopefully, we will see some improvements in visualization skills as they progress in ones program.

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