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How to choose appropriate research methodology?
Hi, I am a PhD scholar, in the midst of approaching deadlines and load of work ahead of me, I am losing faith in my capability to even complete this research. I am entangled in so much disappointment regarding this, I had been so hopeful and passionate about this project. I have to formulate a research methodology, by the end of the month and instead of helping me with it, my guide has left me with a couple of confusing theoretical terms like ‘Realism’ ‘Positivism’ and ‘Interpretivism’ from which I ought to choose to where do I lay my study, along these theoretical lines. The PhD manual of my Department has come to no use either. I am fretting over what methodology would be suitable for my PhD research, I am researching on ‘The Impact of Same- Sex Parenting on the children in UK’. This portal seems like a discussion hub for PhD scholars, and I hope my request is not falling on deaf ears.
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