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Statistical data analysis methods

I want to conduct statistical data analysis. Which are the various methods of data analysis? And which should I opt for? My research field is statistics.

All Answers (7 Answers In All)

By Radhey Shyam Answered 6 years ago

In the modern era, data is overpowering and is no longer scarce. You need to follow the right statistical data analysis methods to obtain appropriate results. Some of the methods statisticians often follow are, 1.Mean 2.Sample data determination 3.Standard deviation 4.Regression 5.Hypothesis testing

By Jang Bahadur Singh Answered 6 years ago

Can you please briefly explain each method? Online definitions are just too wordy and use jargons I don’t understand!

By Radhey Shyam Answered 6 years ago

Sure! I can explain you about mean, regression and hypothesis testing method. I do not know much about the remaining two. 1.Arithmetic mean, more commonly known as the average, is useful in determining the overall trend of a data set. Another advantage of the mean is that it’s very easy and quick to calculate. 2.Regression models the relationships between dependent and explanatory variables. The regression line also designates whether those relationships are strong or weak. 3.Also commonly called t testing, hypothesis testing assesses if a certain premise is actually true for your data set or population.

By Fathima M Answered 6 years ago

Hey. The standard deviation, is the measure of a spread of data around the mean. A high standard deviation signifies that data is spread more widely from the mean, where a low standard deviation signals that more data align with the mean. This is all I know about standard deviation method. Even I’m not aware of sample data determination method.

By Ravneet Singh Answered 6 years ago

What exactly do you want to find using data analysis method?

By Jang Bahadur Singh Answered 6 years ago

I want to find if there is any significant difference between the means of two group.

By Ravneet Singh Answered 6 years ago

Well in that case use hypothesis method.

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