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Turabian formatting style

6 years ago in Editing By Jesstlin Thomas

My University has demanded Turabian formatting style. I have no knowledge regarding this style. Can someone help me by providing general guidelines regarding the same?

All Answers (2 Answers In All)

By Shilpa Answered 6 years ago

Hey buddy! Fret not! Even my University had demanded Turabian style. Initially I was not sure about this style but my colleague guided me on this and cleared my doubts. Here I will provide you with general guidelines that you should follow while implementing this style. List all your sources at the end of your document. The bibliography should include every source you cited in a note. If a source doesn’t have any named author/organisation, list it by a title List the surname first for the first author and the first names first for the other authors. Full source information (like author, title, page numbers) must be given in a correspondingly numbered note. If a source have multiple authors, then list all authors (list the first name followed by et al).

By Fathima M Answered 6 years ago

I took help Trust me their team is expertised in various formatting style including Turabian. You can give a try too. There are other companies too who can help you with this formatting style.,,

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