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Why and where should i use references in my thesis?

Hello, nowadays i am doing research on College admission policies and the major issues which i am facing are concerned with citation/in-text citations. I am very much clear about other aspect which are included in my research but have no idea about how to use  references/in-text citations? I want to know each and every detail about references that why they are mentioned in the thesis, What should be included in references and is there any specific portion in the research where its is mandatory to use references.
I am experiencing this for the first time and these points were annoying me. Everyone seem to emphasise on including references but actually, I am not that aware with its significance. Any inputs for the same?

All Answers (3 Answers In All)

By Manpreet Jaiswal Answered 6 years ago

Hey, don’t take so much pressure for such minor issue as it could be easily learned. I would like to tell you some key points which you should always keep in mind while writing references. Remember, whenever you are writing your dissertation your thoughts are always built on the ideas of other writers. So, it is mandatory to acknowledge your debt to the original data and it is done by including references to and full details of, these original sources in your work. It would help your reader to differentiate between your ideas and other’s ideas.

By Jessica Answered 6 years ago

Yes, in-text citation and references are very important for your research. There is no particular format as they are written according to the editing format you are using such as APA, MLA, Chicago and many more. Go and search google scholar online and type the topic of the research paper you are quoting and you will easily get the references in each and every format by clicking on the “ sign. You can directly copy paste them in your paper.

By Anubhav Kumar Answered 6 years ago

As you write your doctoral research, it is important to cite the document from where you obtained the information written in your report. Many of the references you use will come from published sources. Some may come from electronic sources. So, i would like to give you some basic guidelines regarding it. When citing a reference from your reference list, please use the following conventions. Put in parentheses the author(s) last names, the year, and optionally the page number(s) separated by commas. For one author, use the author’s last name and year separated by a comma. For example (Walters, 1994) or (Austin, 1996). For two to five authors, use their last names separated by commas and with an ampersand “&” before the very last name in the list, then the year separated by a comma. For example (Li & Crane, 1993) (Charniak, Riesbeck, McDermott & Meehan, 1994). *Do not use footnotes in this class for citations* These are generic guidelines, and i would suggest you to first find the writing style suggested by your university.

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