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Concluding my thesis

6 years ago in Writing By Naman Bhatia

Hello, I am a final year PhD researcher, and my research work is in heat exchangers and it almost complete. My question is how to carry an effective analysis for the final conclusion? As I don’t want to leave any stone unturned and I have also heard the conclusion of your research should be perfect. So, I want it to be perfect.
Please help.

All Answers (4 Answers In All)

By Nilisha Yadav Answered 6 years ago

The objective of a conclusion is to defend your research question. Begin, by repeating your research question. However, don’t simply restate the research question, but blend an explanation of it into the rest of the section’s discussion.

By Ritu Gupta Answered 6 years ago

Answer the chief question and explain how you have reached the conclusion of your dissertation. Don’t just list the question with the answer below it, but carefully explain it and incorporate it into the rest of the text. Provide the raw observations and don’t interpret.

By Amrita Goyal Answered 6 years ago

After writing a lengthy thesis, most people feel that they have nothing left to say. The shortage of information and the confused thoughts made them conclude a 140-160 pages thesis in a paragraph or two, which is wrong. Remember that an introduction and the conclusion can be difficult to write, but trust me, they are worth investing your time in. The conclusion is something that a reader will remember after reading your paper. It often becomes difficult for a reader to jot down all the essential points of your thesis, in this case, a broad and significant conclusion take care to convey your study rightly to the reader. Make sure that your conclusion should be the appealing element of your thesis.

By Sanjay Singhal Answered 6 years ago

The Main Goals of your Dissertation Conclusion includes: a general overview of the essential contributions of your work, Summarization of the main points of the chapters, Recommendations, Future Work

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