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Suggest me some papers related to my paper.
6 years ago in Writing By Yashti Iyer
Hello, the topic of my research is concerned with Feminism and its Effect on Woman. I have already written the introduction part of my paper but now i have no idea about what to add further. I am not too sure about my objectives as the there are already a lot of studies on this topic.
In Introduction chapter of my paper i have mentioned how women have been subjugated but now their condition is changing gradually as they are taking over many important things. I have also raised some questions such as, How was the situation of woman in the past?, What did feminism brought to woman? Was feminism efficient to change woman’s life? And now i have no idea how to proceed further. What all should i include now, what all should i not talk about and everything.
All Answers (4 Answers In All)
By Jessica Answered 6 years ago
Hello, I am attaching some links that will really help you to get all the answers for your question. , , These are the already published researches on your topic only. Have a look and just see that it helps you or not.
By Sonali Jain Answered 6 years ago
I think you are facing problem in formulation aims and objectives for your research. I know this could cause a lot of problem and will also delay your submission. I also faced the same problem when i was doing my Phd. let me tell you some basic rules to follow while formulating the aims and objectives of the paper. The first thing you should do is to read your title carefully and extract a few main terms from the title from this you could easily say that your research will revolve around this concept. Now, focus on the basic purpose of the research. It is important to adopt a critical attitude towards research subject i.e. try to validate if there exists any relation between the main terms. Critical analysis is an important part of any research. I hope these points are enough to help you and now, you can move further with your research.
By Aditi Sharma Answered 6 years ago
Hey, i can understand from what you are going through. I think you should add more about feminism in your research such as three waves of feminism. Talk about their each and every detail of it. Give strong statements for what you are stating in your research. . go through this link, this includes everything that i think you should add.
By Keshav Verma Answered 6 years ago
Formulating research aim and objectives in an appropriate manner is one of the most important aspects of your thesis. This is because research aim and objectives determine the scope, depth and the overall direction of the research. Research question is the central question of the study that has to be answered on the basis of research findings. So, i think you should give some time to it and start working on it patiently. As this will be the basis for your research. So, best of luck.
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