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On what factors does retention time depend in Gas-liquid chromatography

Can someone explain to me if we can vary the column temperature of column oven consisting of coiled column of Gas-liquid chromatography? And also on what factors does the retention time depend in the column?

All Answers (4 Answers In All)

By Kamlesh Meena Answered 5 years ago

Retention time mainly depends on The boiling point of a compound. A compound that boils at a temperature higher than the column temperature will spend all of its time to be condensed as a liquid. So high boiling point means a long retention time. The solubility of the liquid phase. The soluble a compound which is in the liquid phase takes less time in being carried along by the gas. High solubility in the liquid phase leads to high retention time.

By Ramesh B Answered 5 years ago

Kamlesh retention time not just depends on the two factors you have mentioned but also on the temperature of the column. High temperature will excite molecules into the gas phase either because they evaporate readily, or they are so energetic that the attractions of the liquid can no longer hold them. As a result high column temperature shortens retention time for everything in the column.

By Keshav Verma Answered 5 years ago

Muhammad, you can definitely vary the temperature of the column. It can be varied from 50C to 250C. If the column starts at a low temperature then it can be increased under computer control

By Roopa K Answered 5 years ago

Thank you all for the answers.

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