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PhD viva and PPT preparation

I’m at the final stage of my PhD journey. I have to prepare for PhD PPT presentation and viva. Can anybody guide me on how to prepare for PhD viva? I’m really nervous!

All Answers (4 Answers In All)

By Maneesh Upadhya Answered 6 years ago

Congrats on reaching the final stage first of all! Well according to me, it is always better to prepare visualized presentations. 1.Use relevant pictures, after all picture speaks more than words. 2.Use graphs (if applicable) and table 3.Put your findings in the forefront 4.Do not use prolonged introductions, come straight to the point 5.Use bullet points instead of long texts or sentences 6.Invest approximately 3-4 minutes per slide, that is total of 15 minutes of presentation.

By Parul Singh Answered 6 years ago

Once you have submitted your thesis you will be invited to defend your doctorate at a ‘viva voce’. The thesis defence can be be a useful networking opportunity. Every institution will have specific requirements to defend a thesis. Note down the rules prior to the viva voce and prepare accordingly. But, before submitting your thesis if you want some mentoring, try getting in touch with Trust me, they consist highly skilled team and can help with your thesis.

By Keshav Verma Answered 6 years ago

The very thought of a viva voce gets me on my toes, even today! Talking about What should you expect? Viva provides you opportunity to improve your arguments and discuss your work with a team of experts. But unfortunately, it can destroy your self-confidence and repute among the audiences if you go weak. So devote sufficient time preparing for it wisely and tactfully. While preparing for viva, ask yourself the following questions: How did you conduct the research? Why did you choose the particular research area? What are the benefits of your research and what are the results obtained? What are the limitations and how did you overcome them to avoid any impact on your current research?

By Mayur Desai Answered 6 years ago

During my PhD journey I didn’t know how to prepare for PhD viva voce. I received tips from my colleagues and several websites and I thoroughly prepared for the viva process. I’m glad that I seeked help! Check out the following websites to know how to prepare for viva:,,

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