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Preparation for postdoctoral job interview

Hi everyone,

I have recently completed my PhD in statistics with ‘data mining in finance’ as my research topic. Next week I have an interview to attend for a postdoctoral job. Can someone give me a piece of advice on how to prepare for the interview and what are the possible questions that can be thrown at me? Thank you in advance!

All Answers (4 Answers In All)

By Balram Meena Answered 5 years ago

You cannot predict the questions that will be asked during an interview. However, most probably questions can be like: What are the main findings of your PhD? What was the most challenging part in your research and how did you tackle it? Why did you choose ‘data mining in finance’ as your research topic in the first place? So work on them as well as other general questions such as your strengths and weaknesses, your future goals etc. Good luck!

By nadeemimi Answered 5 years ago

Post doc interview consists of multiple rounds. First round will mostly be telephonic, second round will be in-person interview. During the interview, you will have to answer general as well as questions pertaining to your research.

By Raj Shravan Answered 5 years ago

The best way to prepare for an interview is to prepare questions and answer them yourself. Include questions that introduces your topic, about the research methodology, their results, their implications in that particular field, and how can your research contribute to the organisation. Be confident while answering the questions in an interview. You might even ask for their feedback at end of interview. This helps you work on your weak points.

By Lisa Hedgewell Answered 6 years ago

I never attended a postdoc interview, but one of my friend did attend an interview. He was asked to present a PPT pertaining to his research for 15 minutes. Include major points about your research such as the benefits of the research, results and interpretation. After PPT presentation there was a second round where general questions were thrown at him. It is better to keep your answer brief. You can visit and learn what exactly needs to be included in PPT.

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