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I have completed my thesis just three days before and submitted it to my supervisor for checking. He handed over me the document and have asked to check and remove plagiarism. First, it is not possible in my paper as I have entirely written my paper on my own, and secondly, I don’t know how to edit it now. Please help!!

All Answers (3 Answers In All)

By Ritu Gupta Answered 6 years ago

Hey there, I understand that why are you so worried, since you have entirely written your dissertation on your own. As one refers to a lot of literature for writing a dissertation, there might be a chance that your words have been found in some other works also. Hence, it is always better to check the plagiarism for your report and do the necessary changes in case if its there.

By Raiman S Answered 6 years ago

The process you need to follow is pretty simple and easy. You first need to check the plagiarism of your dissertation. You can either go for a free software or go for a paid one. Though, it is always better to go for a paid version. Check the plagiarism and make the required changes.

By Piyush Batra Answered 6 years ago

Also, You can get the report, which will tell you how much percentage of your dissertation is plagiarized and even shows exactly which all content is plagiarized. So you don’t have to rewrite your entire thesis. Instead, refer to your plag report and make changes in only that content which is plagiarized as per the report.

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