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Conceptual research paper vs empirical research paper

Please tell me the exact difference between the conceptual research paper and empirical research paper. I have gone through various websites and each of them provided me with a different answer.

All Answers (3 Answers In All)

By Gopalakrishna Kaza Answered 5 years ago

Hello Aarthi. Conceptual research is used to develop new concepts and is related to some abstract ideas or a theory. On the other hand empirical research involves observation and relies on experience. Empirical research can also be termed as experimental research.

By Niranjan Singh Answered 5 years ago

Empirical research deals with data collection which is done through experimentation and observation. If there is a hypothesis, you can work on it by collecting information through observation as well as through experimentation. However this may lead to variations in the result. Conceptual analysis is used in social sciences and philosophy. Here, a theory or concept is broken into its sub-parts to gain a better understanding of the issue.

By Jane Austen Answered 5 years ago

Conceptual research focuses on a theory/concept that explains the phenomenon that is being studied. Something like, how can one describe the motions of the planets? What are the building blocks of human body? Etc. Whereas empirical research deals with testing of old theories in order to develop basis for new theories.

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