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Methods: Difference of Thematic Analysis and Content Analysis in Qualitative data.

What is the difference between thematic analysis and content analysis as methods used in qualitative data analysis? It seems to have the same type of coding techniques from the study I’d. Is there any difference?

All Answers (3 Answers In All)

By Varsha Answered 5 years ago

Hi, From my research, Thematic analysis is a form of content analysis. In this analysis, frequencies can let you interpret or 'let emerge' themes from the corpus. In content analysis you can also be interested, for instance, to count verbs frequency to describe the interest of interviews on future aspects be motivated to explore relationships of words to see associations of ideas or study the language of participants. They are very similar in the rules for coding but the objective is the point that makes thematic analysis unique in content analysis family. I hope this will help you. Best regards!

By Jennifer Answered 5 years ago

Hello, That’s good information but lacks standardization of terms here, but I will add that process seems most important. I think in qualitative research, thematic analysis and content analysis can be one and the same depending on the number of steps we use and the type of qualitative research design. Content analysis may be more related to initial analysis and the coding process, where we look for redundant and similar codes. The thematic analysis occurs after the coding process as we aggregate similar codes to form major concepts or themes. “Ethnographic designs” use a unique form of analysis because the ongoing analysis process looks for evidence in the culture or environment being studied and is not reliance on text alone. The content being analyzed is the actual comments and/or the way the comments were expressed (tone, body language, and more) in the social setting. Hope this information helps!

By Jasmin Answered 5 years ago

Hi, Content analysis is a research technique for making replicable inferences, and valid data to the context. The content analysis relates to communication content. The basic logic in communication, that every communication always contains a message as a signal, both in the form of verbal and non-verbal. So far, the meaning of communication has become very dominant in every event. Discourse/thematic analysis is a more qualitative content analysis and can be an alternative to complement and cover the weaknesses of quantitative content analysis that has been widely used by researchers. If the quantitative analysis, the question is more emphasized to answer “what” of the message or text of communication, discourse analysis is more focused to look at the “how”, that is how the content of the news text and also how the message was delivered. Best regards!

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