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Working of thin-film cells

I want to use thin-film solar cell for my research. Since I haven’t used this type of solar cell till date, I have little clue about it. Could someone please explain me how this type of solar cell works?

All Answers (3 Answers In All)

By Rahul S Khemnar Answered 5 years ago

The working of thin-film solar cells are very simple. The basic component of a photovoltaic cells are semiconductors. If the semiconductor is doped with phosphorus, then it develops an excess of free electrons. If the semiconductor doped with boron/ gallium/Indium then they develop holes. These materials then combine and form a photovoltaic cell. In the absence of light, only a small amount of atoms are excited and cross the p-n junction. This causes a voltage drop (very small) across the junction. In the presence of light, the number of atoms that are excited are high and hence a large amount of atoms cross the junction leading to a large current at the output. This current can be stored and used for various applications. I hope this has cleared your doubt and you have understood the working aptly.

By Jessica Answered 5 years ago

The working as well as the structure of this type of solar cell is very simple. Infact, the structure and working of thin film solar cell is the same as that of silicon wafer cells. The only difference is in the arrangement of the various layers and the solar substance used. The arrangement of the layers in thin-fill cells help to develop very thin cells that are more efficient than the conventional silicon wafer cells.

By Sriya Rawat Answered 5 years ago

Watch or This will explain you about the thin-fill cells in detail.

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