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Do the populations in an unpaired t-test have same variance?

In an unpaired T-test, do the 2 populations have the same variance or are they different? Also, are the errors dependent? Please guide me on this.

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By Jasmin Answered 4 years ago

Errors can be independent or dependent depending on the value and the group means. For example, if there are 6 values in a group, then the error is not independent. That is, some of the other factors might result in the increase or decrease of the value.

By Manoj Answered 4 years ago

Yes. Unpaired T-test assumes that the populations have the same variance. This in result leads to the same standard deviation.

By Suma Answered 4 years ago

Unpaired T-test has same variance for the two populations. You can use prism test to determine the variance. The P value from the test answers the questions such as variance of the populations and random selection of samples. Small value of P suggests that the variances are not similar. However, if you have plenty of data you can interpret the results and determine if the variances are equal or not.

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