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Why use Chi-square test?

I want to test the relationships between categorical variables. My guide asked me to use Chi-square test. This is the first time I came across this test and I’m not aware of how it works, i’s benefits, how it is conducted etc. Please guide me on the same.

All Answers (3 Answers In All)

By Payal G Answered 5 years ago

Pragya, Chi-square test includes null hypothesis, which states that no relationship exists on the categorical variables in the population. This test is extremely sensitive to sample size and when your sample size is too large, there will be small difference may appear statistically significant.  Not only to sample, it is also sensitive to the distribution within the cells.

By Riya N Answered 5 years ago

The Chi-Square statistic is used to evaluate tests of Independence while using cross-tabulation.  Cross-tabulation represents the distributions of categorical variables and the intersection of the of the variables included in the cells of the table. The test of Independence determines whether any association exists between the two variables by comparing the observed pattern with that of the expected pattern if the variables were independent of each other.  This test will also allow you to assess if the observed cell counts are different from the expected cell counts.

By Rajshree Tamang Answered 5 years ago

I would suggest you to take help from statisticians. If you are not at all aware of the test, how can you conduct it accurately? Instead of trying and ruining your research work, take help the experts who can help you with the test. I will attach a few links. I have heard that they are too good with what the statistical tests.,

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