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One-way ANOVA vs two-way ANOVA

5 years ago in Statistical Analysis By Kriya

I’m supposed to perform statistical tests. I have never conducted statistical tests and hence have fewer knowledge about these tests. I’m confused between one way and two way anova test. Please tell me how they are different from one another.

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By Nithin Rao Answered 5 years ago

1. A one-way ANOVA test is designed for the equality testing between three or more means. whereas two-way ANOVA test assesses the relationship of independent variables on a dependent variable. 2. A one-way ANOVA test only either one factor or an independent variable, whereas two independent variables are involved in a two-way ANOVA test. 3. In one-way ANOVA test independent variable analysed has three or more categorical groups. But two-way ANOVA tests compares multiple groups. 4. One-way ANOVA test satisfies replication and randomisation principle, whereas two-way ANOVA test meets replication, randomisation, and local control principles.

By Lalit Mudra Answered 5 years ago

Assumptions involved in 1)One-way ANOVA test Normality – That is each sample must be taken from a normally distributed population Sample independence – Each sample should be drawn independently of the other samples Variance equality – Variance of the data in the various groups should be the same 2)Two-way ANOVA test Dependent variable should be continuous Independent variables should be in categorical and independent groups Each sample must be drawn independently of the other samples Each sample should be taken from a normally distributed population

By Kriya Answered 5 years ago

I finally got it. Thank you guys.

By Lalit Mudra Answered 5 years ago

Welcome Kriya. If you need any help with statistical test drop a mail. I will get in touch with you.

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