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How to select research topic for history domain?

I want to conduct research in history. But I’m not able to choose the right research topic. Can someone give me some easy and effective tips for the same?

All Answers (5 Answers In All)

By Mac Smith Answered 5 years ago

Hello Dolma. It is not just you who is struggling to choose the right research topic. Since many researches have already been conducted, it is quite difficult to choose a unique and novel topic. Go through the below mentioned points. They might help you with the process. Identify a topic and then develop it.This must be done in a stepwise manner with each step getting you closer to a narrower topic. In the next step, refine the topic. Remember, a focused topic is always a strong topic. Decide the components such as research theme, data collection group, location, etc. Define the topic. Think about what problem you wish to solve and what is the solution for the problem. Collect the right resources and accumulate plenty of background and basic information.

By Ashish Prahakar Answered 5 years ago

I have a few suggestions. Why don’t you choose something related to maybe, how did highway system bring change in India?, reason for the creation of parks, impact of Buddhism in China. According to me, these make a good topic.

By Dolma Tsering Gensangphenpo Answered 5 years ago

Ashish, how about a topic related to lifestyle of Egyption Pharaohs? Will that be a good topic?

By Ashish Prahakar Answered 5 years ago

Yes it is. You can choose it. It would be preferably better if you choose a particular Pharaoh.

By Dolma Tsering Gensangphenpo Answered 5 years ago

Thank you for the suggestion

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