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Research hypothesis

How to create a good research hypothesis?

All Answers (3 Answers In All)

By Anubhav Kumar Answered 5 years ago

Writing your hypothesis is not difficult task. You can easily write a hypothesis upon considering the following points. 1. Before you write a hypothesis, clearly identify the question you are interested in studying. 2. Remember, a hypothesis is a statement and not a question. 3. Make it precise. A good hypothesis must be written in clear and simple language. 4. A good hypothesis defines the variables in easy-to-measure terms, like what changes during the testing, and what the effect of the changes will be. 5. Make sure your hypothesis is “testable.”

By Gopalakrishna Kaza Answered 5 years ago

Hello. A hypothesis is a solution formulated on the questions based on your research topic. A good hypothesis will be written as a statement or question that specifies: The dependent variable(s): This consists who or what you expect to be affected The independent variable(s): This consists who or what will affect the dependent variable In order to create a hypothesis, Firstly, start collecting as plenty of observations. Evaluate those observations and look for all possible causes of the problem. Finally, create a list of possible explanations that you want to explore.

By Kamlesh Meena Answered 6 years ago

If you want help with your research hypothesis you can contact team at,,

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