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Which appropriate models must use in Study "Factors Influencing adopters, Trust in Cloud computing?"

What must be the appropriate adoption model must use in my study titled “Factors Influencing adopters, Trust in Cloud computing services in various organizations?” Which model must use in this study – TAM, TOE, or UTAUT? Guide me with some important points?

All Answers (3 Answers In All)

By Shreesha Answered 5 years ago

Hi, Kunal The adoption you basically asked for, will be depending on your research program, e.g. the problems, objectives, scope & limitations, etc. Referring to your question description again & again, “trust” & “organization” it does relate to TOE (Technology-Organization Environment) and UTAUT (Unified theory of acceptance and use of technology). You can even adopt three models as you mentioned – combine, adapt or modify the models, but the most essential point is the rationale of the use in modelling. In other words, you must clear about the theoretical framework behind the new model submission. Besides that, you have to focus on what is the content of the model, and you must consider the modelling process.

By Natasha Answered 5 years ago

Hello, I would like to suggest that any model when you start to use must appropriately be tied with decision-makers & users who are the cloud adopters in the organization. Understanding the influence of a group of adopters and various theories related to adoption, with the objectives of your framework – it will enable you to identify, modify or produce hybrid model from theories.

By Meera Answered 5 years ago

Dear, To recommend you to use which model, here are some suggestions on the thought process of how to choose one actually: 1. Find the difference between the TAM, TOE, UTAUT models from the perspectives of model evolution, on what conditions/circumstances are suitable for, and ease of use, etc. 2. Review literature on precedent articles that best match your current study objectives and relevant to your research problem. 3. When you have decided on a particular model and discarded others. Pen down all the important points to justify each selection. 4. When you review your literature, try to evaluate what kind of research methods like survey questionnaire for each construction, data collection & analysis, sampling, methods are selected etc. (So that, you don’t have to check again & again) 5. Finally, justify how you’re going to structure your respondents like are you going to combine them, separate them & analyze the responses individually or what happens when both groups have conflicting views, etc. Hope, these suggestions will help you for good, kid.

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