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Univariate vs Multivariate

I want to conduct data analysis using time series analysis method. Before starting with the test, I want to know the difference between Univariate and Multivariate time series analysis.

All Answers (3 Answers In All)

By Fathima M Answered 6 years ago

Hi. Time series analysis method is the trickiest of all statistical data analysis methods. In univariate time series analysis, only one variable is varying over time. Most often, the measurements are made at regular time intervals. Whereas in multivariate time series, multiple variable vary over a time. This is used when one wants to model and explain the interactions among a group of time series variables.

By Mehak Chaudhary Answered 6 years ago

Can you please explain with an example?

By Fathima M Answered 6 years ago

The example of a univariate data can be height. Suppose that the heights of seven students of a class is recorded, there is only one variable that is height and it is not dealing with any cause or relationship. And for multivariate, suppose an advertiser wants to compare the popularity of three advertisements on a website, then their click rates could be measured for both men and women and relationships between variables can be examined.

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asked at 30 Jul, 2022 13:35 in Data Analysis By Anu