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Qualitative and quantitative questions
6 years ago in Questionnaire Design By Sur M
Earlier my study was supposed to be qualitative so, I made qualitative questions in my questionnaire, but now I don’t know what happened to my mentor she is saying to conduct a quantitative research. My qualitative questionnaire was ready, but now, I have to convert my whole qualitative questionnaire into a quantitative one which is a difficult task, I know, but I don’t have any other option. Please help!!!
All Answers (2 Answers In All)
By Archit D Answered 6 years ago
I think you shouldn’t take more burden. With the help of the link, I am attaching below; you can seek help in changing the questions of your questionnaire. .
By Nilisha Yadav Answered 6 years ago
In qualitative research, we ask broad questions, but in quantitative research, we ask direct questions. So, to convert a qualitative question in a quantitative one, we need to identify the answers ourselves with the help of the information available. For eg., if the question in qualitative research is; what are the challenges you face while working in a team and if we need to convert it into a quantitative question then we first have to identify the challenges and then the question would be like this, Do you find communication a challenge while working in a team.
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asked at 05 Oct, 2018 09:21 in Questionnaire Design By Rashi Garg
asked at 05 Oct, 2018 03:08 in Questionnaire Design By Rashi Garg
asked at 04 Oct, 2018 07:46 in Questionnaire Design By Varun T
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