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Science: What Studies support chemical and physical changes both in animals and humans during AAT

Firstly, I’m so glad you’re thinking about the research study. Coming to answer, I agree on the positive aspect that, 
there doesn’t seem to be literature out there which suggests that AAT improves the learning or memory capabilities. 
However, given its effects on emotion and motivation, I wouldn’t doubt that if it did have a positive effect on learning and memory 
(which is eventually or lightly be triggered by emotions assets) in elderly.

If it just seeks to increase their motivation to perform the task(using AAT) I’m excited to see the results of your research.

All Answers (4 Answers In All)

By Shashank Answered 5 years ago

Firstly, I’m so glad you’re thinking about the research study. Coming to answer, I agree on the positive aspect that,  there doesn’t seem to be literature out there which suggests that AAT improves the learning or memory capabilities.  However, given its effects on emotion and motivation, I wouldn’t doubt that if it did have a positive effect on learning and memory  (which is eventually or lightly be triggered by emotions assets) in elderly. If it just seeks to increase their motivation to perform the task(using AAT) I’m excited to see the results of your research.

By Krirthi Answered 5 years ago

I like to share some information about this topic. Firstly, yes – a human has a lot of common biochemical and molecular mechanisms of majority high nerve functions with animals. These functions are just little studied in animals & humans. By cognitive science,  it will have to solve a difficult task to define concretely the meaning of the terms – the high nerve functions. That’s also a problem now.

By Pavitra Answered 5 years ago

As to suggest you, cognition is a complex process and there’s a lot of analysis to do in the field. And in your research  I see, you can start with a comparison of human-animal behaviour in the 2 groups; control and experimental.  One of them that you can use might be the placebo method… hope, that will help your research to see through.

By Rani Answered 4 years ago

That is an interesting view of point which you said to tackle. Sadly, I can’t able to use for a dissertation; as it is too vast.  And also, it is still an area that I intend to explore, Here, I’m simply captivated by how we humans interact with animals & changes that occur as we do.  I just have to set my sights on viewing it. Anyway, thanks for the suggestion!

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