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What must be the tentative word count of my empirical paper? And is it possible for empirical findings to develop into theory overtime?

Empirical Papers.

It said, like most journals, received more than 600 submissions per year. Empirical papers, when submitting, 
you’ve to ensure the paper should be about 8,500 words that including – abstract, title, tables and figures, notes, references. 
But on the other hand, a theoretical article may be somewhat shorter than compared.

And the next, generally I perform research in different fields. So, I think it’s possible to develop. 
I would like to acknowledge that, a theory is a model that fits some observed facts and can be used to predict future outcomes. 
Thus, if you have got a shred of valid empirical evidence and an appropriate literature review context, I think it’s reasonable to develop theory

All Answers (3 Answers In All)

By Usha K Answered 5 years ago

It said, like most journals, received more than 600 submissions per year. Empirical papers, when submitting,  you’ve to ensure the paper should be about 8,500 words that including – abstract, title, tables and figures, notes, references.  But on the other hand, a theoretical article may be somewhat shorter than compared. And the next, generally I perform research in different fields. So, I think it’s possible to develop.  I would like to acknowledge that, a theory is a model that fits some observed facts and can be used to predict future outcomes.  Thus, if you have got a shred of valid empirical evidence and an appropriate literature review context, I think it’s reasonable to develop theory

By Suma Answered 5 years ago

I’ve not got enough information but, I would like to share this with you. Ideally, a balance between theoretical research (that develops theory)  and empirical research (that confirms theory with exact data) is preferred. But, in recent times, it comes into sight that empirical research  has been growing faster than theoretical research. It seems this trend is likely to continue in the future too.  If this trend continues, we may have less theory to explain some empirical findings.

By Sonam Bhatia Answered 5 years ago

I appreciate your response Mr.Parthiv Patel, but here some research issues or problems are unexplainable with existing theories.  So, we are desirable to develop a new theory in such situation. Maybe the advancement in econometrics is encouraging more empirical research,  but giving less attention to theoretical research (research that develops theory).

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