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Survey method in sociology

Hello all! I’m conducting my research in sociology. My guide asked me to follow survey method.But all I know is why is it used. Could someone please render some more information about the same?

All Answers (3 Answers In All)

By Meghana R Answered 5 years ago

A survey can be administered through mails, telephone or face-to-face. The survey method consists of two key features. Questionnaire – It a predefined series of questions that are used to gather information from individuals Sampling – In this technique, a subgroup of the population will be selected to answer the survey question. Also, know that the most popular type of survey questions are open-ended and closed-ended.

By Shilpa Answered 5 years ago

As mentioned by Meghana, survey method has open-ended and closed-ended questions. In the closed-ended questions : The list of responses must include a possible response, and also the meaning of the response should never overlap. Closed-ended questions are preferred in survey research mainly because it is easy to count the frequency of a response. In open-ended questions: Survey respondents are requested to answer a question in their own words. Responses are categorised into a smaller list of responses that are counted by the study team to conduct statistical analysis.

By Ravneet Singh Answered 5 years ago

One more basic concept you should know factors to consider for designing a questionnaire. Consider the order of the questions that are presented. Sensitive questions should be put at the end of the survey. Also include routine questions such as age, gender, and marital status, at the end. Never use Double-barreled questions in a survey. Such questions are problematic because survey respondents are requested to give response for two questions

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